Wednesday, December 17, 2008

GDI Experiment Day 13 - Site Addition

Today has been rather slow. However I have managed to develop something I believe will be an awesome addition to the GDI Experiment Community. Allow me to take this time and formally introduce the GDI Experiment Network. Here people can join up and discuss either techniques they feel are useful, or other ways they make money on the internet.

Also it will serve as the headquarters for my down line allowing the one stop access to all the techniques that have worked for me. Please visit the GDI Experiment Network And join the action.

I also wanted to touch on some of the misconceptions regarding GDI. First and foremost. If someone is claiming they can make you 1000's of dollars in a matter of days they are probably lying. GDI is about persistence. Its about being able to stick with something and watch it develop.

I want to make sure you understand when joining me that you will not make money if you have no interest in putting a little effort. I will give you the tools and and point you in the right direction. Along with all the support of the community. But it still requires work on your part. And really courting your down line is your ultimate job.

So remember, if you aren't making huge leaps and bounds in the first week, don't fret. Give it some time. Think about it - even if you stay with GDI for 6 months, that is only a $60 investment for a potential at high returns. And I will next to guarantee you'll be making money at that point.

Also remember to join the Experiment and start building your passive income with our Team today.